Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Next Weeks Mystery Guest

Thanks to Johnno and Dieter for their past Week in Review postings. But can you guess who the mystery person who the the spotlight will be on next Monday. Tune in next Monday to see who will be our Mystery Guest Reviewer.


dieter said...

I am sure this guest will have a more interesting week

Anonymous said...

oh stop that crap Dieter! I enjoyed your week. So there!

Anonymous said...

who could that foxy person be ....mmm : )

Anonymous said...

Aharrrrrrrrr your stumped as to who it is lol

Sue said...

Is it Brispaul, cos I have seen that jumper before, but just can't put me finger on it.

Sue said...

Sorry Patty, I knew I had seen that jumper before. Thought it was you, but the hair didn't look right. Oh well!