Monday, August 28, 2006

A Tidbit on Rainwater Tanks

Did you know they can blow away if you don't fill them up? According to the plumber who just installed one next door thats true. So on hearing this advice nextdoor payed an extra $600 to fill it with water from the truck who just happens to be owned by the bloke who installed it.


Beecham Motors said...

Yes, it is true, of course, they can blow away, that's why you put a block of wood and nail it down, over the base rim thingy.

Anonymous said...

awwwwwww sounds a bit fishy to me lol

Sue said...

Bit of a con going on there then. I'm presuming that it is a water butt. Filling it up with water, kind of defeats the object of installing it in the first place.

Nice looking water butt though.

Anonymous said...

Bit of a con really for the city slicks. The tank outlet is always a few inches above the bottom so there is always some water in there (called the anaerobic region) which helps keep it in place as well.

All you would need to do is put 4-5 inches of water in the bottom to keep it down. For cyclone territory up north, they use bracing over the top.

dieter said...

fill it to the first rung its not going anywhere