Monday, June 04, 2007


Ok, here we go….the week started off well on Monday…off to work as per usual for another week at the office. I heard that the Holden airship was parked at the airport so me being me I went to investigate…could not get near it for a shot…Tuesday was pretty average steak and veggies sort of day. Wednesday I got a call from a fellow who owns half of all Townsville property. He informs me that the Holden airship was parked up the end of his property and would I like to take some photos. I could not get there quick enough.
Thursday I had to drop my girls laptops off to computer nurds…one of them was very sick(the computers that is). Anyhow, after another couple of hundred dollars all should be ok again.
Today I am just getting ready for going camping in a week…what to take…hmmmmm?
Tonight we have ex neighbors arriving at home for a BBQ, should be a whole lot of fun.
What an empty week that was, but with a bit of forward warning for this project I could make it a very interesting week.

Highlight of the week….Getting up close to the Holden airship for some great shots.

Low of the week….Hearing my favorite uncle has throat cancer (he smokes Rothmans still) silly bugger.


Anonymous said...

Nice One Johnno

Anonymous said...

Good stuff! Thanks for sharing Johnno.

dieter said...

Yes Johnno , good stuff. You have set the bar now .