Sunday, May 27, 2007

Johnnos whatisit

ANSWER TO WHATISIT windows in Pattys house


dieter said...

is it glass off a door

Beecham Motors said...

dat's what i reckon too dieter! *hands up

Johnno said...

no, not the glass off a door

dieter said...

A plate/platter

Johnno said...

no not a plate or platter

LHagen said...

some sort of flexible tubing/ducting/hose?

Anonymous said...

its a cover on some form of lighting

Anonymous said...

plastic glass

dieter said...

Oh Johnno you are clutching at straws glass door or window ,same !#% different bucket ask any burglar lol I'm claiming it as guessed

Johnno said...

Dieter, you walk thru glass doors....not windows.....Patty would have hit me if I climed thru the window

dieter said...

Put it to a vote. Ah is the cat not using it as a door?

Beecham Motors said...

Yes Dieter, the cat is indeed using the window as a door, and in fact, I have the sam eglass n my doors too (it's an old house) so I reckon you win it Dieter! woot!