Sunday, September 24, 2006

Friday What-is-it

What-is-it? An easy one for you today.


Beecham Motors said...

Welcome back Kevin!! {{{{hugs}}}} and yes, easy as....

Anonymous said...

Is it a mercedies badge found on its car bonnet?

Beecham Motors said...

Nope. Try again.

dieter said...

easy as if you know what it is, we will need a clue i think, naughty patty naughty lol

Beecham Motors said...

Are you going to spank me Dieter? Really?

dieter said...

only if i can catch you lol

Sue said...

Mmm, I can't make the picture out.

Anonymous said...

your jewellery brooch?

Beecham Motors said...

No, not a jewllery brooch.

Beecham Motors said...

"seems to have elevated herself to the "Johnno" class of "weekender" pictures. :)"
Wow Kevin, I originally asked Johnno to take on the role of doing the Weekender What-is-it, to take a bit of pressure off me. He has risen admirably to the task, even if I have to prod him every now and then to blog, or to post answer. lol. I know he is not near a computer or his photos, so I did it for US. FOR US!

Beecham Motors said...

No, sorry Kevin. It really is easy! *grins

Anonymous said...

Is it a camera lense?

Beecham Motors said...

Ha! No, not a camera lens. Think more sporty?

Anonymous said...

a golf club or part of one

Sue said...

A tap. from the kitchen or bathroom.

Sue said...

A jug.

Sue said...

Or a tap from outside.

Anonymous said...

A trophy

dieter said...

A golf tee?

Beecham Motors said...

No, and no. Sorry. :)

dieter said...

You are a bad lady lol Golf club thats almost a sport .