Sunday, July 23, 2006

What is it


Anonymous said...

an ashtray

Johnno said...

always thinking about the fags, not an ashtray

Anonymous said...

a picture frame

Gary said...

Bad Acid trip, Man ;'

Beecham Motors said...

It's the inside of a table lamp.

Johnno said...

no, not a picky frame or Acid trip??? or the inside of a table lamp

Beecham Motors said...

Well I originally tought its the inside of a notepad on its side?

dieter said...

is it a wind chime type of thing ?

Johnno said...

no, sorry dieter...not a wind chime

Anonymous said...

is it sitting on your desk with a pair of red handle scissors laying on top of it?

Johnno said...

no paul, and the scissors have an orange handle

Johnno said... of you was actually close....hehe!

Beecham Motors said...

Not a lamp shade, a LIGHT shade.

dieter said...

is it a moblie

Johnno said...

ok,seems like Patty is closest(she that is no good at this game) it is a light shade coming from the roof, but there was no light bulb..(Just one of my brothers ideas)I would find the full picky but it is at work snd I have the day off :-)