Friday, April 07, 2006

Croc bites boy

Boy bitten by croc in Katherine floods
Friday Apr 7 11:17 AEST

A freshwater crocodile has attacked a teenage boy trapped in a tree by flooding at Katherine in the Northern Territory.

The croc bit the 16-year-old boy, one of three boys rescued from the tree, where they had sheltered most of Thursday afternoon.

Police say the teenager was treated for minor lacerations, but did not require further treatment.


Anonymous said...

So tell me how did the croc get up in the tree in the first place?

Gary said...

Kevin, we do have Alligators in the Florida Everglades. Fortunately
there in the zoo here, except the pet Croc that was let lose in Green Lake. Daa Dum Daa Dum ;)