Monday, April 03, 2006


I kept Bear home today from school, for the first time in his 12 years as a student. :(

He has had a fever all weekend, and is emotionally wrecked a bit. Last Monday I took him the the local hosptial for a heart check-up, the doctor who will give him a clearance of good health for his Pilots License, suspects Bear may have a heart murmur. When we did the hour long tests (echo) the nurses were talking and chatting about a hole-in-the-heart, but wouldn't confirm or deny it.

So who knows what is going on in my darling sons chest?

Today, fingers crossed, we find out.


Beecham Motors said...

No hole-in-the-heart, whew! Turns out he has "turbulant blood flow" which is causing his heart murmur, but nothing to worry about, whew. WHEW!

Anonymous said...

Gee I hope he is ok they generally find such things out at birth. Will that effect him getting his pilots licence?

Beecham Motors said...

No, not att all. woo hoo

Johnno said...

Great news...whew!cotzu

Gary said...

Glad to hear that Bear is ok.
I had an illregular heart beat, that was brought on a allergy pill that I took. Once I change medications, I was all right.

Sue said...

Patty, that's good news, and good news that it won't affect his pilots licence.