Saturday, March 04, 2006

Life's little Speed Bumps

An incident happen the other day at work, that I thought was one of life’s little lessons.

A young Engineer that I worked with 10 years ago, and hadn’t seen in some time, had lunch with me the other day at work.

He is a very religious person and used to try to convert me to his Fundamentalist Christian religion. This irked me a lot, because I’m not very religious, but I do believe in a Supreme Being. I believe in not pushing my faith on other, and hope they don’t push their faith on me.

Anyway, we had a nice lunch, he didn’t preach to me, and we got caught up on what has happen to us in the past ten years.

He had divorced his wife, because as he put it, she had taken the commandment "love thy neighbor" too literally. It was a nasty divorce, involving the three children. He finally got custody of the children.

He remarried in 2003 to an Afro-American woman (that shouldn't have surprised me, but did). I had to bite my tongue when he told me about remarrying, because I remember him telling a young lady Tech Designer (Drafter) that she shouldn't marry her fiancée, because he had been married before, and would be living in sin with a polygamist. She told him to mind his own "Blanking" business.

I told one co-worker that used to work with us, about him remarrying, he said "Of course he preaches not of what he practices!"

I guess life has away of teaching us to slow down and not take things too seriously.

1 comment:

Beecham Motors said...

Yes Gary, I guess it's the human factor at work again. "Do as I say, not as I do"

Down Under mate, we call them wankers! lol