Wednesday, January 04, 2006

What is it No2. Posted by Picasa


Beecham Motors said...

Some sort of water sprinkler?

Johnno said...

ummmm, No! ....and my rss thingy still is not showing up when someone blogs?

Beecham Motors said...

I don't know what's happened, mine is working ok? have you refreshed your toolbar?

Anonymous said...

It's a switch, and my blog toolbar thingy is lighting up as normal

Johnno said...

its all come good again, and no not a switch paul

Anonymous said...

its a flagpole looking down from above standing on ashphalt

Beecham Motors said...

Candy thermometer!

Johnno said...

Patty?? you found my source of information....but Kevins was a guess, so he gets it for being close...grrrr!

Beecham Motors said...

Sorry darl, and well done Kevin.