Friday, January 06, 2006

my turn...what is it???? Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

I see wire and a wheel my guess is a Pulley of somesort

Johnno said...

sorry paul....way off target

Beecham Motors said...

Hmm, a toughy. Something out of focus? lol

Johnno said...

It was how my eyes saw it thru the viewer

Anonymous said...

Is it a swing

Johnno said...

not a swing paul...still cold guessing

Anonymous said...

is it part of an engine ?

Johnno said...

not a mechanical thing

Beecham Motors said...


Sue said...

Is it a spray nozzle, or a flame thingy.

Johnno said...

very good kevin, it is a spray nozzel that goes onto the end of a hose...the photo is actually looking directly into where the water comes out.

Sue said...

Sorry Kevin, I didn't read your post properly before I added my own.