Thursday, November 10, 2005

What a special day tommorow, never before has a Prime Minister been sacked. Love you Gough, what a charasmatic, intelligent mind you have.


Anonymous said...

Certainly is a man to be admired regardless of whatever a persons political ideology is. but he's become an icon only because of what happened 30 years ago. its a well known fact that labour governments do not know how to manage the finances of the country. whitlam was sacked because of money borrowings from Khemlany. Keating as treasurer under Hawke floated the $A to the detriment of the country. Its only in the last few years the countrys economy has been brought back to stability and growth after Keatings stewardship. I hate to think what the country would be like today had whitlam not been sacked and what line of future governments there may have been, having said all that if beazley were elected PM at the next election the same mismanagement would happen all over again.just imagine if things had worked out different to what happened then perhaps Howard would not be PM today.

Beecham Motors said...

Yes, I agree with Labor not being able to manage money, but Gough also brought in many other changes (and various Labor G'ments since) such as increased pensions,for disabled, aged and infirm care, aboriginal rights and voting, arts grants and free university education for all. Plus he is just a stud to look at, and a God to listen to. Right? Thanks for your comments, I love the feedback! :)