Friday, November 04, 2005

What is it? A bit of weekend fun for you all :) Good luck.


Johnno said...

looks like some dead grass

Beecham Motors said...

Nope, not dead

Anonymous said...

stringy mulch

Anonymous said...

itsw something to do with bananas

Beecham Motors said...

No, nope, not bananas

Beecham Motors said...

This is a toughy, I admit it.

Johnno said...

some sort of hair

dieter said...

is it onions

Beecham Motors said...

Hair.....hmm. not strickly speaking....

Beecham Motors said...

No Dieter, not onions....

Johnno said...

pineapple plant or some type of cactus

Beecham Motors said...


Sue said...

Just got here, Am I to late.

I think it is chickens feets. yuk.