Thursday, March 09, 2006

UK Woman caught doing makeup with both hands

Date: 09/03/06 North Wales police couldn't believe their eyes when a camera at a notorious accident blackspot caught a woman driver speeding while using both hands to put on her make-up.

Donna Maddock, 22, was filmed as she drove along the A499, one of Britain's most dangerous roads. She held a mirror in her left hand and an eye pencil in her right, leaving the steering wheel to itself.

On Wednesday, she was fined STG200 ($A474.78) with STG55 ($A130.56) costs and had six penalty points added to her driving licence after admitting careless driving at Pwllheli magistrates court.
"A car is a dangerous lump of metal in the wrong hands. You need to be in control at all times, and Miss Maddock's actions beggars belief," said Inspector Essi Ahari in a statement.

A police spokeswoman said the camera had been set up because of the large numbers of collisions and deaths on that stretch of road.
"It is to catch speeding drivers. But when officers saw the film of her applying her makeup it was also obvious that she was committing a careless act," she said.

Copyright © 2006 REUTERS


  1. I couldn't believe it until i saw it on the news on channel 7 today

  2. It's quite a problem. The use of mobile phones, (although illegal) is another problem.

    A couple of years ago, we were in a traffic jam, going nowhere, when two girls in a mini (as I remember) went into the back of us. When we looked in her car, she and her friend, had plates of food on the dashboard of the car.
