Thursday, March 09, 2006

Holden ad is "trashing Australia"

Germaine Greer, famous for being the poster girl of the 1970’s burn-the-bra feminist movement, has once again unleashed her fury at the way women are depicted on Australian TV.
An ad for the Holden Rodeo, which features a man fantasizing about driving the car with glamorous TV personality Suzie Wilkes as his passenger, is Greer’s new target in her campaign for equal rights and opportunities.
The Daily Telegraph reports that Germaine Greer expressed her concern over the ad during a lunchtime meeting.
She said it was bad enough the commercial showed a 4WD “trashing Australia” — (it's shot in a quarry!)it then has a “young, slimmer and entirely servile [Wilkes] who ends up polishing the 4WD.”
“Why haven’t plate glass windows at Holden show-rooms been exploding all over Australia?” Dr Greer asked.
“How much humiliation are you women up for? I promise they wouldn’t do it in Europe — they wouldn’t dare.” (humiliation? If hubby buys a nice new car, and carts you around in it, it's equal responsibilty, surely?)
Greer is as aggressive as ever when it comes to fighting for women’s rights, but she still has it in her to be kind and encouraging. (bullsh*t!)
“Look for joy, pleasure, satisfaction — don’t think solely in terms of struggle, don’t think solely in terms of ambition,” she told a group of school-girls on the Gold Coast yesterday.
“Even if you’ve a seat on the board of directors, it isn’t necessarily where you want to be.” (No wonder men don't know what we want! If you are on the Board of Directors, AND YOU DONT WANT TO BE THERE, get off! *slaps head repeatedly)
Although she's not longer burning bras, Dr Greer certainly still has some strong opinions to share.

(I think she is an aggresive old woman who needs a sense of humour, I take offence at ads that depict men as stupid and useless, unable to do anything.)

What are YOUR thoughts?


  1. I think she's a sexually frustrated woman who wishes she was born a man, just cranky old woman.I've seen worse ads ,never even occurred to me that that ad could be deemed offensive.

  2. Poor old Ms Greer. She reminds me of an old prize fighter who is now punch drunk but still remembers when he (she) was was the 'greatest.' I try to be tolerant of her these days as I think she did some good service to women in the 60s and 70s, albeit a bit over the top at times (if you pardon the pun). I thought the add is a bit puerile but not particularly offensive as to some extent it reinforces the old cliche about all men (particularly blue collar types apparently) fantasising about a new ute and a new woman. The ute is of course achievable, whereas Suzie Wilkes? So nope, neither me nor my wife was offended. (I have her chained to the sink anyway) (errr and in case you ever read this honey Im just joking. No really I am....Thump! sound of head hitting saucepan...)

  3. ROFLMAO at Stephens comments. How's the lump?

  4. She's fine thanks.
    (Uh oh, I think that will earn me a second whack) Actually my wife is non violent in case anyone got the wrong impression. Pardon my ignorance but what does ROFLMAO stand for?

  5. Rolling On the Floor Laughing My Ass Off
