Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thoughts on Pattycam - Dec 2004.

I found this that I had written in December 2004. Thought it was topical.
"Thoughts on Response to a question "Do I ever get worried about sharing my life with strangers, as there are a lot of weirdos out there"

Yes, I do know what you mean, I think about it too.

There was a stage when someone was ringing me all the time at home, and then hanging up, until I wrote on my tagboard to knock it off, and they did, lol. You just have to trust the world, and be alert.

Once when I went shopping, two university blokes stopped mid-track and pointed, saying PATTYCAM! and I thought "oh crap, do people like that watch me?" but hey, I just try to be honest and do what I think is right (by my family too) and if people want to waste their time by watching me get on with my life, *shrug*. (and I don't mean "people like that!" I just meant I was a little self-conscious and embarrassed being recognized, silly, eh?)

I have a very weird sense of humour, and I am a very curious person, so I enjoy the interaction of people coming to visit my site, especially if they take the time to say hello, and introduce themselves. It's like visiting my home, I expect people to behave themselves, wipe their feet at the door, and mind their manners.

I used to be a radio reporter, and both my hubby and I are very heavily involved in the community, and our school, so we are very used to being in the spotlight, and are not shy people (except when we walk into the kitchen early mornings and realize the bloody cam is on, and we are in the nuddy! YIKES!) Thank goodness for the 15 second refresh rate, at least its not streaming.....hahahahahaha, we back out of the kitchen very quickly!

If someone gives me a hard time, I can always block their isp from seeing my site, but have never had any cause to do that. Sometimes I get teenagers saying "show your bits" but I ignore them, and always try to have a family site, as my friends, mother, sister, hubby and my kids friends drop in and say hello, so anything that offends me, will offend them too.

I am just in the throes of buying the site name for another 3 years,, and the bloke said "You want to buy another 10 years?" and I thought, "really, am I still going to be interested in doing this in another 10 years time"?!

So I have the domain for another 3, that's when I will turn 50, and maybe I will bugger off the cyberspace then..and visit someone else’s home,



  1. thank you very much for sharing your life with us and i must say you were and still are a beautiful host i wish you well in everything you do in the future loved you slainte!!!!

  2. Hey! I remember that article! I also remember about how you once shared with me that you loved to wait until Chris would come out to the kitchen in the morning and you would say, "Honey the cam is on" :)

    Oh yes, so much fun on Pattycam!

  3. Farewell Pattycam. I think we all can say how much we will miss you. The beginning of my internet experiences after meeting you dear Patty by an accident when I had my first computer. We had to back out of the web site to remember how to get in. Silly us. We have been talking ever since and thanks to you I have learned how to motivate around and catch up with you as you learned and grew to do things that many of us can't imagine. So my dear friend cheers to you, Chris, Bear, and Lockie! I hope to be around a long time to catch up with you and all. Thanks for all the times we had on Pattycam and thanks to all the others that enriched my life. Cheers! Teddy
