Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What did YOU do today?

Today I have been up since 4.40am, cooked breakfast for 3 of us, put on hubbys shoes and socks, filled car with petrol, emptied cat tray of huge green poo (what the!) cut up chicken breast for cat, scrubbed 2 bathrooms till they shone, did 2 loads of washing, strung up new Xmas lights and took down old ones, dropped off dry-cleaning and got prescriptions for hubby, became guarantor for sons friend travelling overseas with passport, did food shopping, had a tiff again with eldest son over interent censorship, bought new printer ink and dvd sleeves, readjusted a quote for a friend, chatted to Johnno, rang my mother, worked out a quote for a 5 minute training video, supported my sons girl friend on her law exams, sang happy birthday to our neighbour who is 92, created a video for my friends 52nd birthday, created a shorter clip to show Johnno my new Studio 12 program, helped friend with her mother’s funeral tomorrow, edited photo images, rang client re: new contract for video, ate one anzac biscuit I made yesterday (my bad) and am now cooking dinner, awaiting a final quote for client tomorrow before he has meeting with state representatives. Bleh. And you tell that to the young’ens, and they won’t believe ya! Hugs