Monday, September 22, 2008

Lucky me - again

Good day,

My name is Alvin Holman an American citizen working with the United Nations. I'm a married man with 2 kids. I am contacting you for the purpose of a business transaction.

Through the years I have served with the United Nations and with my position, I was able to secure a sum of money amounting to 30million US dollars from contracts and assignments in conflicting countries. The money was earned on contract basis to non staff, so therefore I need a neutral person to be able to cash the money. As a result of this I am contacting you and not even a family member to avoid complications arising from talks or the likes. I got your e-mail address from the internet while searching for a reliable and competent person for the transaction.

Please this e-mail should not be treated as one of those from Africa. Looking forward to receiving your reply and doing business with you.

Yours truly,
Alvin Holman.

1 comment:

  1. Alvin, where do they come up with these names. I mean how many Alvins are there in the world? The only Alvin I've ever heard of is Alvin Purple
