Friday, December 28, 2007

Just a thing

Okay I am a little bored so I am being picky about this, but it rubbed me the wrong way last night. I was watching the Amazing race on TV. They where on the Vietnam leg and this ignorant or arrogant person said ''that's it dude I'm not talking to foreigners any more'' Who do they thing they are? He is the foreigner in Vietnam. Perhaps they should give these jokers a geography lesson before they put them on the show. Or do they think only Americans watch or could understand the show. Now don't bite my head off its just an opinion.


  1. Classic example of redneck ignorance - and just plain stoopidity!

  2. More like bad'or good' marketing from the show.They dont get the average people on those shows because no one would watch it.
    The more none mainstream the more viewers.

  3. No biting of heads from me Dieter, I agree with you totally.

  4. I love the Amazing race. *swoons. The stress the couples are under must be incredible, but you sure hear some funny remarks, I agree.
