Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas Dilema

What do I buy for christmas for an 80 year old man who has everything and hates getting socks, deoderant, after shave. Money in a card or a voucher are out as he thinks the person giving such a gift couldn't be bothered to go and buy something.
Tools are out as he has 3 of everything in his garage.



  1. go to target or office works and get him a food or chocky or tea hamper

  2. do they do dvd's or cd's over there of birth years? they have different music, news items etc of what was happening in the year the person was born.

  3. Yes we do lobbylou I got one a few years ago but I don't think he would appreciate it

  4. How about taking him to the Gold class movies they are very good.Or a good lunch/dinner.How about a nice watch?.
    I watched grumpy old men last week, they said buying for old people was tough because they got eveything they wantd before 1975

  5. What does he like? Sports? Reading? YOh ave to give us some clues so we canhelp you. *winks
