Thursday, September 20, 2007

Aussie facts

How well do you know Australia?
1.When was Commonwealth of Australia formed?
2.How many states are there?
3.What does ANZAC stand for?
4.Australia has hosted the Olympics two times. Where and when where they held?
5.The capital of Australia is?
6.Name the only state NOT to have received convicts?
7.What is a bludger?
8.What is a drongo?
9.In 1967 Prime minister Harold Holt disappeared. What caused that?
10.Name the Australian national flower?


  1. 1.When was Commonwealth of Australia formed?
    1901? (Federation?)

    2.How many states are there?
    6 States and two Territories.

    3.What does ANZAC stand for?
    Australia and New Zealand Army Corps.

    4.Australia has hosted the Olympics two times. Where and when where they held?
    Melbourne 1956 ?? and Sydney 2000.

    5.The capital of Australia is?

    6.Name the only state NOT to have received convicts?
    South Australia?

    7.What is a bludger?
    Any bastard who lives off others.

    8.What is a drongo?
    Any bastard that lets some bludger live off him. lol

    9.In 1967 Prime Minister Harold Holt disappeared. What caused that?
    A Japanese sub got him. Ha. He drowned. Silly boy.

    10.Name the Australian national flower?
    Golden Wattle.

  2. Well done Patty. I neeed to try and find some harder questions

  3. aww, you beat me to it. but yeah, i knew all of them... withou having to use the internet or anything! heh heh
    Mal :)
