Thursday, July 26, 2007

Your computer - use

A quick survey on how you use your computer.

1. How long have you had a computer for?

2. How long have you been on the Internet?

3. Thinking about your own computer, how has your usage changed over the years? More, or less?

4. Thinking about the way you now use your computer, how has it changed?

5. Would you be more likely now to ring, email, fax or sms someone?

6. Are you a confident user of Word?

7. Can you resize and/or crop an image?

8. Can you send attachments by email?

9. Can you download, save and play music?

10. What other things do your do with your computer?

11. What are your favourite things to do on your computer?

12. Can you see yourself learning new things to do in the near future?

13. Have you ever taken a course to learn something for your computer?

14. What's the hardest thing you find to do/create/finish/accomplish on your computer?

15. Do you ever send, or receive personal letters in the mail (postal)?

16. Do you understand all the terms and technologies for your computer, eg. Ram, pixels, rom, dpi, cpu. (No go ogling!)

17. Thinking about your computer, will you upgrade to a larger/bigger, faster computer, or downsize to a smaller, compact computer? Will you buy a second computer?

18. What is your connection speed?

19. Are you able to fix any minor problems that arise? Give an example.

20. How often do you scandisk/defrag/update virus checks?

21. How many email addresses do you have?

Copy this text and paste into the Comments section, and answer your questions there. Good luck Groovers!


  1. 1. How long have you had a computer for?
    Approx 18 years ago I bought my first one.
    2. How long have you been on the internet?
    Approx 10 years
    3. Thinking about your own computer, how has your useage changed over the years?More, or less?
    Lots more as they get faster
    4. Thinking about the way you now use your computer, how has it changed?
    I use it for all my information and to socialise and to store photos instead of in a box
    5. Would you be more likely now to ring, email, fax or sms someone?
    Most prolly MSN and then email
    6. Are you a confident user of Word?
    7. Can you resize and/or crop an image?
    You better believe it
    8. Can you send atttachments by email?
    yep…next question!
    9. Can you download, save and play music?
    10. What other things do your do with your computer?
    use it as a skype phone…and look up p—n….not really!
    11. What are your favorite things to do on your computer?
    Photos and photo sites…and also check favourite web cams
    12. Can you see yourself learning new things to do in the near future?
    every day there is something new to learn
    13. Have you ever taken a course to learn something for your comptuer?
    No…never…self taught
    14. What's the hardest thing you find to do/create/finish/accomplish on your computer?
    Doing these things…as I wuuld rather be playing with photos…lol
    15. Do you ever send, or receive personal letters in the mail (postal)?
    Whats that?
    16. Do you undersand all the terms and technologies for your computer, eg. Ram, pixels, rom, dpi, cpu. (No googling!)
    most of them…to a degree
    17. Thinking about your computer, will you upgrade to a larger/bigger, faster computer, or downsize to a smaller, compact computer? Will you buy a second computer?
    Most prolly keep upgrading as needed
    18. What is your connection speed?
    19. Are you able to fix any minor problems that arise? Give an example.
    Just minor things like setting up emails……I have teenagers to do the hard stuff
    20. How often do you scandisc/defrag/update virus checks?
    Update Virus automatic every day….defrag very rarely
    21. How many email adresses do you have?
    Approx 150

  2. 1: I've owned a computer since 1996.

    2: I've been on the net for at least 10 years now.

    3: I use my computer a great deal more now.

    4: Its a lot faster and easier to use now than in the past.

    5: I email more often but still have to ring family members who don't use their computer to its limit.

    6: I use word.

    7: Yes i can resize and crop an image but others may say different.

    8: Yes i attach things to emails on a daily basis.

    9: Yes I download music.

    10: Watch movies make movies I photoshop and basically surf the net .

    11 Visiting Pattycam would have to be my favourite thing to do.

    12: Never afraid to learn new things.

    13: Never taken a course on computer use.

    14: Building and maintaining a website is the hardest thing.

    15: Yes i send mail through the post still.

    16: No I still struggle with computer terms, i'm not one really interested to know the inner workings just so long as i can turn it on and it does what i want.

    17: I will most definately upgrade once this computer gives up the ghost.

    18: Not sure what my connection speed is. I said I wasnt litterate with inner computer workings. I know I use cable if thats what you mean.

    19: Any problems I cant fix I usually call my brother he's pretty computer savy.

    20: I use AVG virus protector and scan my computer for virus's once a week with Spybot and then use Window Washer.

    21: How many email addresses do I have? How longs a piece of string?

  3. 1.How long have you had a computer for?
    Well how long ago did the commadore 64 come out(20 years maybe)
    2. How long have you been on the Internet?
    10 or 12 years
    3. Thinking about your own computer, how has your usage changed over the years? More, or less?
    Much more internet time
    4. Thinking about the way you now use your computer, how has it changed?
    I think i am more computer savvy.
    5. Would you be more likely now to ring, email, fax or sms someone?
    6. Are you a confident user of Word?
    7. Can you resize and/or crop an image?
    8. Can you send attachments by email?
    9. Can you download, save and play music?
    10. What other things do your do with your computer?
    Movies, power point, excel
    11. What are your favourite things to do on your computer?
    my website , other people
    12. Can you see yourself learning new things to do in the near future?
    Sure I learn new things all the time
    13. Have you ever taken a course to learn something for your computer?
    14. What's the hardest thing you find to do/create/finish/accomplish on your computer?
    My site and working off line
    15. Do you ever send, or receive personal letters in the mail (postal)?
    16. Do you understand all the terms and technologies for your computer, eg. Ram, pixels, rom, dpi, cpu. (No go ogling!)
    17. Thinking about your computer, will you upgrade to a larger/bigger, faster computer, or downsize to a smaller, compact computer? Will you buy a second computer?
    18. What is your connection speed?
    19. Are you able to fix any minor problems that arise? Give an example.
    Yes . I'm ok with software things.I know how to fix the small stuff like email problems.
    20. How often do you scandisk/defrag/update virus checks?
    virus check everyday, defrag and scan about once a month along with Ad-ware
    21. How many email addresses do you have?
    To many
