Sunday, May 27, 2007

makiin bacon

Jamison Stone, 11, poses with a wild hog he said he killed near Delta, Ala., on May 3. His father said the animal weighed 1,051 pounds.


  1. Oh, well, not quite sure why anyone would want to shoot it. Such a beautiful animal! Was this family starving that they needed to do this. What's an 11 year old doing with a gun anyway. His father needs his head testing.

    Blimey, I'm so angry.

  2. Only in America Sue

  3. Yes, in America we hunt deer,
    bear, wild boar, etc. for
    food. Its food for
    families, schools etc. If the
    children desire they go along
    with their parents and learn
    how to hunt. So, does your
    family eat meat and where
    does it come from?

  4. I certainly would not teach an 11 year old how to use a gun, and take pleasure from doing so. Sorry, just my opinion, and am intitled to it.

  5. I don't think its an only in America thing.I just do not believe this was shot for food. Sue I think an 11 year old should not be playing with guns at all. I guess its a mind set with some, they think its their right to carry a gun.

  6. Hunters do not leave animanls in the woods when they shoot them, so if not for food what else would
    they do with it. I would not let
    my child have a gun either, but
    that depends on the parent. And, thank God, we still have the right to raise our own children the way
    we want to. So far, that is.
