Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Gary's Travels

Hi all,

Well my trip is all most over, just two days to go. The tour members have been great, most all of them are of retirement age,

Went to Little Big Horn to see where Custer's last stand was, It was cold and raining. Took pictures of the grave sites of some of the solders and surrounding terrain. Didn't see Custer's grave.

Next saw Yellowstone National Park, It was awesome, saw Old Faithful Geyser, Bubbling mud pots, hot springs, Buffalo, Elk, Black Bears and Grizzly Bear. There was no TV or Internet at the Old Faithful Inn, how primitive.

Today I saw the Grand Teton National Park and took a two hour rafting trip down the Snake River.

Tomorrow the Oregon trail and Salt Lake City. I come home Thursday.

The country side in the Mid West States is beautiful. I'm sure glad that I took this trip. I'm taking alot of pictures,

Sorry Patty, no Phoons, I have been babying my sprain foot. It is much better.

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