Friday, September 22, 2006

Doctor ,Doctor

Dr. Jones goes to the retirement home for his monthly rounds. He sees Joe and asks him, "Joe, how much is three times three?" Joe responds "59." He goes over to Tom and asks, "Tom, how much is three times three?" Tom responds, "Wednesday." He finally goes over to John and asks, "John, how much is three times three?" "NINE" replies John. "That's right how did you come to that answer?" "It was easy...I just subtracted 59 from Wednesday!"

A woman in her 90's is distraught after the death of her warm, caring, faithful husband of seventy years. She can't live without him and decides that the best way to do herself in is to stab herself in her pitifully broken heart. Still, she doesn't want to linger so she calls a doctor to find out exactly where the heart is.

He tells her to put her first two fingers together, hold them horizontally and place the tip of the first finger just below her left nipple. The heart, he says, is immediately below the first knuckle on her second finger.

Later that day, the doctor is called to the emergency room to put fourteen stitches in the elderly woman's left thigh.

Patient: Doctor, what should I do if my temperature goes up a point or more?

Doctor: Sell!

Patient: My hair keeps falling out. What can you give me to keep it in?

Doctor: A shoebox.

1 comment:

  1. Now I know where to come for good jokes!! Hardly anyone tells jokes here (Seattle) and I miss them!!
