Monday, August 21, 2006

My neighbour

So I am cooking in the kitchen, basting the roast potatoes and dry baking some butternut pumpkin, as a token to fat-free cooking, *coughs.

Next door, there’s a sound, a strange sound, I can’t put my finger on it. Surely not the tree choppers, at THIS hour? Not the leaf-blower? Too soft. Finally, overcome by curiosity, I wander outside, to see my neighbour Cam mowing his small lawn.
It’s the sound of a lawn mower! Be stuffed!

We chat and he tells me that on the weekend he and his wife celebrated their 10th anniversary, and he did a PowerPoint show, and the 2 best photos of the night, were both ones that I had taken, of he and his kids, when they first moved in next door. Aw………It’s a story I do hear over and over, and either people are very kind, and I take great photos of people. hugs


  1. See theres a good story every day we just can't alwayts fid it . He would not have said he liked just to be kind after all those years. On he other hand you win either way right?

  2. yeah nice story, I have to go i burnt my chips I burnt my spring roll not a happy boy
