Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Happy 6th Pattycam year online

And finally, one last indulgent tribute. I know it may seem over-the-top, but sometimes so is having a cam on in the early morning, late at night, and a most times in between. My poor, long-suffering family (and friends, ha!). Anyway, just a collection of old pics, for the newer viewers to Pattycam. Welcome, and enjoy.

Create your own video at One True Media


  1. some endulgents are worth having

  2. Congrats on 6 glorious years Patty its been fun, some sadness and a lot of laughter and an array of endless welcoming Smiles from you. Thanks for letting me be apart of it over the last few years.

  3. How quickly boys grow, 6 years makes such a difference in a childs life.

  4. Yes, time goes too soon. I am sure it's longer than 6 years to be honest, I am sure I had this up and running when Doc started school, which would have been 2000. I have lost my origianl pics, the very, very first images, bugger! Anyway, it's all been good fun. Thanks for letting me reminise.

  5. Even Stan-the-Dishwaher-man is famous. sigh. ;)

  6. what a load of fun these movies have been...brings back some memories

  7. Aw, thanks Johnno. Where would I be without you all (GROUP HUG!!!)

  8. Aw........Ya made me cry then Kevin. Thanks mate, it's been a great time for me too. hugs and kisses!
