Friday, May 19, 2006

Barcaldine Tree of Knowledge poisoned

The historic Tree of Knowledge in the central western Queensland town of Barcaldine has been poisoned.

The ghost gum is symbolic of the Australian Labor Party, which was founded in the town.

Barcaldine Mayor Rob Chandler says it appears someone has poured about 30 litres of chemicals over the tree's roots.

A tree doctor is assessing the damage and Mr Chandler says the community is very upset.

"The Tree of Knowledge is just part of our history, it's part of Australia's history," he said.

"It's from those meetings under that tree that the Australian Labor Party was formed back in 1891 and it's a very very important part of Queensland and Australia's history."

1 comment:

  1. Bugger...I know what will happen if the town people catch the culprite
    And that is the Wellshot hotel at Ilfracombe...had many a glassa in that pub
