Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Irish thinking

Hows this for Irish thinking, Mums away overseas as you all know, so I drop her off at the airport to board her plane last week. So I say "Mum when are you coming home". Because I need to know when to go and collect her from the baggage thingy at the airport. " the flight details are stuck on the side of the fridge" she says. So last night when I thought of it I said to myself I better have a look. The hand written note stuck to the side of the fridge says and I quote " Flight 758 depart 10.30 arrive home Flight 756 3.30" unquote. Now how the hell does that help me I still dont know what particular day of the week or if its morning or night. Thats the irish in Mum she knows what she means so everyone else should think along the same lines. Mothers what would we do without them. lol

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