Thursday, January 05, 2006

Today my baby turns 20

Oh my. My oldest son turned 20 yrs old today. old does that make me?

I remember holding him in my arms thinking, "what the hell am I going to do with this thing?" he was such a strange looking little creature. All long arms and fingers and long thin legs. He had beautiful almond shaped eyes and a long neck. I kept thinking he looked just like E.T. but maybe it was the marvellous drugs they gave me at the end of my labor.

He's grown into quite a lovely man now. He's very goal oriented, focused, calm, a real thinker. He's silently driven by small but obtainable goals that he sets for himself in order to reach that place where he wants to be when he's finished with his education.

Gentle, caring, kind, funny, intelligent. That's MY boy. I made that. I taught him to be like that. I raised him on my own. He gets that (whatever "that" is) from ME. He surrounds himself with the same type of people, and while they have different personalities, they all compliment one another. This one is good at this, that one is good at that.

We raised one another. I was very young when I had him. We saw some pretty lean times together, but he never wanted for anything. He had a roof over his head, he had shoes on his feet and he always had plenty of food on the table. I think he's a better person for knowing these struggles.

He's handsome, but of course I am going to say that. He's tall and sometimes when he walks in the kitchen it gets dark. When I bump into him, I bounce off of him. He always holds the door open for me and always always ends a telephone call with "I love you Mom".


  1. How beautifully written. I have a lump in my throat. I love how he always sings off with I love you Mom. Happy Birthday to you, and may your life be blessed with many, many more. Enjoy getting old. The other alternative is not worth thinking about. From one Capricorn to another. :)

  2. Sounds great I'll send my 18 yo lovely daughter by... the inner strength of the vt. mts. and the beauty of the sun.
