Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Big Fish..........I recieved a phone call from my 12 yo yesterday when she arrived home from school...�Daddy, there is a huge fish on the beach�....So I tell her to take a photo and email it to me.... 10 minutes later she rings back and tells me that she has 2 photos...I proceed to instruct her on the art of downloading from my camera to the computer and how to email it to me...after a couple of minutes of trying to tell her calmly, I give up and say that I will see it when I get home and hang up.....5 minutes later an email arrives with the photos attached....Dont know how she worked it out but then again she is a Taurus like her dad..... Anyhow, the so called "pro fishermen" have been netting the waters out the front of home for a couple of weeks and we have had a lot of fish kill....So I proceed to ring up fisheries...Not their I ring the Department of primary industries...not their problem...they tell me to ring Enviromental protection agency....who put me thru to someone else where I finally make my �recorded report�. My beef is that they are always trying to get people to advise them if you see any fish kill but nobody wants to know about it�.. When I arrived home, there were 2 trawlers trawling and 3 netters netting right out the front of the we all know how this five foot Cod with net marks all over it happened to arrive on the beach...Yes, I have sent it into the local paper annomously...but that is another last time I used "my name"...I copped a lot of abuse from certain �professional� people because the media went with the story for a whole week and my phone rang hot all day. Posted by Picasa


  1. That's a lot of fish! What have you done (if anything) with them?

  2. umm! fish cakes,battered,crumbed,fried in butter, fish stew, is endless

  3. It all comes down to money doesn't it. Those poor fish.
