Wednesday, September 21, 2005

My Bear sees this picture and exclaims MUM! You haven't changed at all. Bless him Lord. :) *mad grin


Anonymous said...

well i would have said its one of the boys theres no denying heres your son going on your teen pic

Beecham Motors said...

Brizpaul, are you saying I look like a boy? *sigh.

Anonymous said...


i knew i'd get in strife no matter what i said. No you look as pretty then as you do now. I was talking about the family resemblance.

Ok you can shoot me in the foot but next time do it before i put my foot in my mouth lol

Sue said...

Patty, you haven't changed a bit.

Sue said...

Talking of changing or not changing, had the other ladies at the school reunion changed at all.

Beecham Motors said...

Sue, I haven't seen them yet, it's on tommorrow night, yikes!