Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Margaret Olley

Australian Painter Margaret speaking at the book launch of her biography about her feelings towards relationships and marriage. " I never liked the thought of someone owning me, I'm a free spirit and being a free spirit means you can do what ever you want to do"


Beecham Motors said...

Wasn't she great? Iheard her interviewed once, and she said "all the painters like to paint me, I look like The Magic Pudding!"

Anonymous said...

Yes she's a lovely woman, 82 she is. A very take me as i am if not i don't care lady. I wonder if she had the baby she fell pregnant with as a young girl and contemplated marriage to her gay friend. A fellow painter, Friend was his surname. look at her face and you can see she's experienced and tried everything at least twice.

Beecham Motors said...

My mum and dad knew Donald Friend, and mum saw the new Margaret Olley exhibition last week in Sydney. She loved it!

Anonymous said...

Thats the bloke i was thinking of is that the man she married ?

Beecham Motors said...

No, she didnt marry him. Or anyone.

Anonymous said...

I thought i heard her speak of the love of her life, a man. What about the child?