Friday, September 01, 2006

Meeting Lori

I am a leetle dissapointed that no Pattycam Watchers found the manners to welcome Lori into our Blog. We can comment 7 times on waxing Johnno's legs, but not one welcome note to Lori.

Rude people, rude!

*wags finger


  1. Don't wax your legs Johnno! Welcome LOri, hope you have a nice stay here.

  2. Fair call Patty, but i did welcome Lori on your podcast early August and in the tagboard and i know i said welcome on a blog somewhere. Just incase i missed Welcome to Australia Lori :-)

  3. Yes, true Dieter, don't mind me, full of flu, still. :)

  4. Welcome Lori, hope you have a nice stay there in Australia. Hope you will remember how to drive on the right side of the road when you get back to the states. ;)

  5. Sorry Patty, but I think I did say something on the tagboard. If not I apologise for my manners. I detest bad manners.

  6. Oh that's ok Sue, I was just in a funny mood. hugs :)
