Thursday, November 03, 2005

Uploading images on Hello to Blogger

This is the resxponse to my email for help...thought you might be intersted. You should be able to Blog normallynow. Fingers crossed.


Thank you for contacting Picasa customer support.

The problems you experienced with Blogger were due to temporary service issues where new CAPTCHA security was added in an effort to stem "splog" (spam blog) abuse.

If you are using Hello or BlogThis!, try immediately entering a new post caption and then press the Publish button. If the CAPTCHA error appears again, wait a few moments, then enter the caption again and press Publish. In most cases, the followup attempt(s) will succeed without having to log into to resolve the CAPTCHA manually.

It's important to know that if you are prompted to solve the CAPTCHA, it doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with your blog. Because of the number of variables our classifier uses, there's no easy way for us to pinpoint why your blog may have tripped the word verification (publicizing this information also serves to defeat the classifier).

The number of false positives will affect only a small percentage of the overall Blogger community. However, we know that for those of you asked to answer the word verification that this is a true inconvenience and for that we apologize.

We will be continually improving the classifier to reduce the number of false positives. We're also working on ways so that once a blog with word verification has been established as legitimate, the blogger will no longer need to solve the CAPTCHA.

It's important that we find ways to put reasonable barriers in place to further prevent the automated creation of spam content. This is not just to prevent the contamination of search indexes with spammy search results, but to ensure the quality of Blogger's service for everyone."

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