Sunday, February 25, 2007

Johnnos whatishit no.2

another easy one, because i am in a generous mood today


dieter said...

A service bell ?

Johnno said...

no, sorry not a bell

Anonymous said...

looking into a light of some sort, head light of a truck or a spotlight??

Johnno said...

no Paul....not a light

Anonymous said...

a tyre pressure guage

Johnno said...

no, nothing to do with tyres

Unknown said...

a burner from a gas stove?

eamonn said...

a top view of a flower vase!!!!

eamonn said...

another guess a lid of a sauce pan says he grasping at straws

dieter said...

A lid of a straw dispenser ? Wait I know its a key.

Johnno said...

sorry, not a vase,or a burner,or a straw despenser or a key? I have the picky at work, will post it when I get there in a while

Beecham Motors said...

Johnno says his modem has fried, but the answer to What-is-it is a Barometre. So now you all know. lol.

Sue said...

Oh, did he say what the other What-is-it was.