Thursday, July 20, 2006

A Burning Cake desire

Do not try this at home...New candles for Pauls cake...Instructions read (which I read after the event) Caution: READ INSTRUCTIONS ON BACK PANEL CAREFULLY BEFORE USING. CANDLES LIGHT QUICKLY(now they tell me) AND FLASH UP WHEN FIRST LIT. NOT FOR USE BY CHILDREN. DO NOT PLACE HANDS, ARMS OR FACE NEAR UNLIT CANDLES WHILE LIGHTING....So, after all that...Do you think they were trying to tell me something...*sheesh? Posted by Picasa


dieter said...

that will teacgh you grabing at the cake lol

Anonymous said...

Didn't you ever get told not to play with matches? lol

Beecham Motors said...

Babe, that's really bad. You told me you were putting butter on it, I hope you actually put ICE on it? *gentle kiss from a distance to get better

Sue said...

'Ere, where's my bit of cake then? Oh sorry, where's my manners, "May I have some cake PLEASE".

dieter said...

Johnno butter with salt will not help. just watch out when it pops that it stays clean . to relieve the pain drop half a brick on you toes, it will take the pain away from your burn .