Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Tree Down

Ok, I dont know if you can remember my story a few weeks ago of me playing lumberjack and trimming my 200 year old fig tree as the branch was hanging over my house.
Well, I received a phone call from a neighbour about 4.00pm yesterday�she asked if there were any cars in my garage as a huge tree has fallen on it. I proceeded to go into a mad panic at work. The only one at home was my daughter who was on the computer with headphones on and did not hear a thing. Lucky there were no cars in the garage, I will work it all out when I arrive home to a �flattened 3 car garage��It was a long 15 minute drive home, �thinking, thinking, what to do? I pulled up at the Garage about a minute after my wife. When I pulled her jaw off the ground I explained to her that I knew all about it and Insurance will sort it out. Expecting the worse we surveyed the scene�. My so-called �Flattened Garage� was hardly damaged at all, even with about 20 tonne of Fig tree resting on it. As you can see by the photos, the heaviest part is still up in the air and even this morning it is making a lot of creaking and cracking noises. Last thing we need now is wind or rain before insurance can ok the tree loppers to remove it. My thoughts on why it fell (as it was not a windy day), is that it has been very dry for the last few years, the ground which is sand is also very dry, and the root system had dry rot in it. Plus the fact that I had cut down a couple of heavy branches from the up side a few weeks ago. Just glad it did not go while I was up there cutting down those branches. *Lesson, always call in the professionals to do what they do best.

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Anonymous said...

Only in Nth Queensland just glad nobody was hurt

Beecham Motors said...

Bloody hell!
That's an amazing escape Johnno, so glad no-one was hurt. hugs