Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Close your eyes and imagine Three Things.

A clock.
A tree.
A vase.

1. Now... what sort of clock was it that you imagined?
2. What kind of tree did you visualise? Was it by itself, or in a forest. Was it flowering? Try to recall all the details.
3. Where was the vase? Was it empty or did it have flowers in it? What sort of flowers were they?

Close your eyes to 'see' all the details you may have missed. Have fun! :)


Anonymous said...

Clock : the round one on your website

Tree: the big gum tree i see in my backyard I see from my window.

Vase: the big red ruby glass one with gold leaf I have that my mum gave me as a keepsake of hers to remember her when she is gone

Johnno said...

Clock : A nautical one that I purchaced and awaiting arrival from Sydney.

tree: My favourite Norfolk Pine that we have on the beach at home

Vase : One with gaudy roses on it that we got for a wedding present and used as a toilet brush holder...shhhh!

Beecham Motors said...

1. Clock. My microwave, which has a clock in it
2. Tree. My Norfolk tree in the front yard (snap Johnno) (bloody messy thing it is too, as well, also)
3. Vase. A famliy vase I had commissisoned to celebrate my patrents 60th Anniversary

Sue said...

Clock - the one on my Mothers mantlepiece.

Tree - My bonsai Japanese Maple in the garden, it's about two and a half feet high.

Vase - a dark mustard coloured straight vase, which was given to us as a present about 34 years ago. I think it got broken when the children were little.