Friday, September 01, 2006

What is it answered

Johnnos friday Whatisit Posted by Picasa

well done sue


Anonymous said...

belt buckle perhaps looks metallike in pic

Johnno said...

no paul, not a belt buckle

Beecham Motors said...

I am zipping my mouth, I have NO IDEA!!!!

Johnno said...

Does zipping your mouth mean that you know what it is Patty

dieter said...

is it part of a pot

Johnno said...

no, not a pot

Johnno said...


Johnno said...

hint, some get to wear these things

dieter said...

is it a tiara or a broach of some kind

Johnno said...

not a tiara or broach, but nice try

dieter said...

is this a ring ?

Sue said...

An earring

Johnno said...

it is worn on a *cough ....breast
with pride :-)

Sue said...

A medal

Sue said...

A brooch

Johnno said...

it was a gift that i wear when someone goes away, to give me athority

Beecham Motors said...

You are such a tease Johnno!

Johnno said...

i know, but I like it!

Sue said...

It's not a sherrifs badge is it?

Anonymous said...

Knights body armour chest plate

Johnno said...

yes sue, well done again, it is the centre of the sheriffs badge

dieter said...

Johnnon @#$ a badge lol you could have said i was close guessing a broach.
well done Sue..