Friday, November 04, 2005

An easier one for you. What is it?


Johnno said...

rain drops on one of those leaf guards

Beecham Motors said...

No, but it is rain, *slow clap *grins and ducks

Anonymous said...

Rain droplets on a rubber front door mat

Anonymous said...

Water on the dashboard of the car

Anonymous said...

rubber seal around a cars window =)

Beecham Motors said...

ok, this is what i s right so far.

water droplets

keep going, you will kick yourselves. ha!

Johnno said...


dieter said...

Is it water in the boot of a car

Beecham Motors said...

Yes, it's a tyre, well done Johnno, and I did answer the post, but my comments didn't publish, so sorry 'bout that Chief.

It's rain drops on my car tyre